I was greeted this morning with an award that brought one of the biggest smile I've ever had on my face!
Theresa Rankin, an art maven I admire first as an artist and immediately as a woman and friend, has chosen my blog as one of her Brillante Weblog awardees! Plus I love her as she actually visits my blog and comments! But I hope you click on the link to witness her wonderful art and her big heart!
Fortunately I now have the opportunity to hopefully bring as much sunshine and cheer to 7 of the many blogs I read regularly by humbly awarding them. My list of awardees is no doubt longer than 7 as I think blogging about art is a very generous gesture on behalf of the artists because it cuts into our precious painting time and opens our studio to strangers. But I've gatheresd so much from fellow artists' through blogs from the way they negotiated certain complicated scenes or medium, their business habits but most of all these people are very talented and they know it thus they are justified in pursuing their craft. Well without much ado here we go...
Daily Watercolors I created Daily Watercolors blog and invited several watercolorists I know to co-author entries with their latest and greatest works. This blog gets my award for the authors' continuous onward move to create amazing watercolors in varying sizes and styles. I've collected art from most of these artists.
Intricate Art Leanne Wildermuth is one of my most enduring Internet friends and we still haven't met! I've watched this amazing trouper self learn ANYTHING and in a matter of short time turn her latest skills into major bucks! Leanne paints just about anything and now she's also a master web designer. I really am holding back as I want to say more. But suffice to say she rocks! I have a collection of her art.
Spewing4thArt Lori Rase-Hall's blog name tells you something is cool about it. This woman exudes art. Everything she does from painting, knitting, cooking, gardening and photography spews art! I don't know how she does it, I suspect she sweats art too hahahaha! Check her out, colors and eye candies galore! I have a collection of her art.
Belinda Del Pesco I love Belinda's work because her watecolors are unique. She is a successful artist who works in several media, especially prints which I'll have to add to my collection. I love that she also visits my blog and comments, truly a very beautiful and sweet person.
Mark Satchwill Mark is a wonderful portrait artist I've befriended from UK. His works continues to amaze me because of his dedication to the human figure depicted mostly to small format 2.5x3.5 inches and 4x6 inches watercolors. I also very much admire his talent and devotion to his craft! His works are well accepted on the Internet.
Don Gray I've recently just started to visit Don's blog. I love his art because he responds to sceneries pretty much as I do.. now if only I could paint like he does too lol! His sense of humor is always a part of his posts and I'm such a sucker for a chuckle or two! I also very much enjoy his warm interaction with his readers.
Karin Jurick Karin's work is highly successful and well accepted in multiple venues. Her works have graced some very important publications in the art community - all for a good reason. She is a consummate artist who doesn't seem to rest and is always creating and having shows. Recently she developed a blog where she challenges or invites other artists to paint from her photos she will post weekly. I will be participating in it please check out this link
Different Strokes From Different FolksRules of Acceptance:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link the the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
6. Participation is entirely voluntary (of course!).
7. Have fun...honoring the bloggers who inspire you regularly.
Standing ovation!!!! *Applause* I have other very talented and inspiring artists on my list in the sidebar of my blog plus non-art blogs. I list them proudly because I enjoy visiting them. Thanks to these artists, I can visit them in their art lives at will and they all serve as my daily art vitamins, they all inspire me! Thanks again Theresa! ~erika