"Simple Pleasures" 16x30 oil on canvas panel
My submission for my own masterminded challenge at our local art club. Some anonymous person left something like 20 uniformed but beautiful frames at the studio porch. They are this non-standard opening so some of us had to have wood cut for support. In my case I mounted canvas which I gesso a few times on it. Anyway, at one of the meetings, I thought we could share the frames as an art club by challenging members to take home a frame and create something "with it". So yeah, it will be interesting how they all interpreted that piece of instruction. Actually, it would be interesting to see just how many actually do something with it and show up for the "Arts on the Creek" event we're having Saturday. If I make it there, I'll be sure and take photos!

By clicking on the image below, you can better view my piece along with 5 of the other students' works. There were two more students but I think they were being shy. It is a sign of a good instructor to have her whole class yield such impressive work!