This is Different Strokes by Different Folks challenge to paint the Jefferson Memorial at Night challenge hosted by Karin Jurick. It's a good day when my husband comes home and says "Wow!" lol I often get the half gaze notice which I interpret as not "didn't quite hit it". It was particularly good painting day because I literally feel my brain has been frozen by this weather so my pilot was not lit to be creative. Anyway, the painting has a little more deep purple that the camera doesn't pick up. It's not all totally blue. Well I hope this got me warmed up to get excited about my next projects :) Incidentally check out the February American Artist Magazine as Karin's work graces the cover along with an article of course! WOOHOO congrats Karin! You deserve it all with your talents and hard work!
I didn't even terribly mind that we woke up to this image below because it meant I didn't have to brave the temperature to do my grocery shopping since the volunteer drivers, that kindly transport me in their vans, don't run when during inclimate weather heheheh So I had plenty of chance to refine my painting and listen to Rachel Ray make Neopolitan baked ziti which I can enjoy vicariously even though my tastebuds are crying even as I type YUM-O! Anyway off I go to make a healthier meal! Stay safe and warm where ever you are! This is my view from my desk.

I didn't even terribly mind that we woke up to this image below because it meant I didn't have to brave the temperature to do my grocery shopping since the volunteer drivers, that kindly transport me in their vans, don't run when during inclimate weather heheheh So I had plenty of chance to refine my painting and listen to Rachel Ray make Neopolitan baked ziti which I can enjoy vicariously even though my tastebuds are crying even as I type YUM-O! Anyway off I go to make a healthier meal! Stay safe and warm where ever you are! This is my view from my desk.

Woohoo!!!! I love this. composition and color ROCK! You brought movement with the pedestrian and his movements are reinforced by the parking lot outline. Classic triangular composition balances this all perfectly. Yay Erika!
ReplyDeleteGreat color here in your J. Memorial painting! The figure really tops off your composition. Not a sign of any glare in the image...great job, Erika!
ReplyDeleteI realy like your take on this weeks DSFDF challenge , the memorial really glows and the passerby balances it beautifully.
ReplyDeleteGreat painting Erika, it's great with the figure it adds to it and I love the glow in the building.
ReplyDeleteAs always another great piece of art. I love the add on of the figure.
ReplyDeleteYeah Erika! It has energy with the complimentary colors! I love the figure in the foreground too! Bravo!
ReplyDeletewow, how did you get that wonderful glow from the building? It is mesmerizing, and I love the foreground figure.
ReplyDeleteErica, your painting is very vibrant and alive, so I can't help but think..."Hello Mr. Jefferson, Barrack Obama here". Was that in your mind with this?
ReplyDeleteGoodness thanks Sheila! Such artistic eloquence, I truly appreciate all that, very empowered here THANKS! The composition was accidental but as I was drawing it, I started to get the idea of how it should be. I'm glad you like :)
ReplyDeleteHi Dean, thank you! I had to click on your link and noticed that the colors reminded me of what you might use, especially seeing your bluebird! I needed to for myself to see a little more energy because the original photo seemed too static. I'm so glad you appreciate the figure adding something to it.
ReplyDeleteThanks Diana, I wanted to capture the glow because I tend to be mesmerized by light illuminating from their sources at night. They give magical effects to me and tend to spark up some nostalgia so I was hoping that maybe I could somehow express it through the painting. It's darker than yours isn't it.
ReplyDeleteDominique thanks so much! I do like your magical take on your piece as well!
ReplyDeleteIrit, I'm humbled, such kind words. See you didn't have to add a figure to give yours energy!
ReplyDeleteDana can't go wrong with the help of contrast right? I'm glad you like thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteContrasting colors and values helped make the building glow - as if you didn't know lol I'm glad it's mesmerizing to you because I wanted to evoke same feeling I get when I see lit buildings at night. And again, I like lit things at night so I had to add a Blackberry somehow lol
ReplyDeleteLOL Vern that's cute! I imagine President Elect Obama has called upon the forefathers many times for some wisdom so I won't put it past him to try and call via Blackberry hehe Ground control to Jefferson.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful painting, Erika - it has such a wonderful glow to it and gorgeous colors!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Edward. Yes, the glow, the colors, very friendly... it's feeling a little too commercial for me but I guess it's all good!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful painting! Great composition and colors. As I look at it again and again, I like it more and more. The person leaving the memorial hints some story behind the painting. Great job, Erika! :)
ReplyDeleteWooo Hooo! that's a beauty! Very vivid and love the passerby, on his cellphone of course. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteHi Akiko, I like a painting with a story most of the time so I'm glad it evokes that thought. Also that you like it more each time you see it. Maybe you should look away now I don't want you to like it less and less all of a sudden lol!
ReplyDeleteConrad my comrade! I love that - James Bond! I think it's the best comment thank you lol
ReplyDeleteAh yes, my sister in colors! Is this as close as I'll get to painting the light Caren? I'm so glad you like it and so nice of you to let me know always :) I'm a gadget freak, I had to sneak in a hint of my love for those silly things.
ReplyDeleteA bit of creative license... it's wonderful. I too LOVE the glow your building has.
ReplyDeleteOK, you win! (# of comments)...just a kidder.
ReplyDeleteActually, your painting ROCKS!
OMY Gosh Erika, this is beautiful, the mood, the lighting, the feeling, the texture, EVERYTHING! BRAVO, Not to say that everyone else didn't do a WONDERFUL job, but I have to say out of all of them, I like this one the MOST!
ReplyDeleteThanks Captain! It's always good to see how we each see the same thing in our own world!
ReplyDeleteRed you silly funny you! I hope you're painting TODAY! Thanks girl!
ReplyDeleteHi Lori what a surprise! Thanks so much I appreciate you visiting me! We like the bright colors don't we? ;)
ReplyDeleteWow!! Brave girl!! Absolutely love the addition of the guy on the cell phone! Keep up the wonderful work!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the colors in this work, Erika. You flair for expressionism is all your own.
ReplyDeleteAlmost forgot to ask, what program did you use to make those wonderful youtube videos?
ReplyDeleteHehe thanks Theresa. I needed to add some energy to the scene. I appreciate the encouragement.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Antonio, welcome to my blog! I use Windows Movie Maker. Plus I used to be an animator in Hollywood so I know to use other software like After Effects and Flash.
ReplyDeleteI say wow too. I love your colors, composition, everything about it.
ReplyDeleteCarole thanks yours is very successful and clean, I love the twinkles!