"Sweet Peas and Golden Hominy" 8x10 canvas
Something I wanted to get out of my system is my first painting for 2013. A bit rough, a lot unlike how I usually like to paint but my wish is sincere and it comes from deep within me :) I wish us all Peace and Harmony in 2013 and beyond!
Recently, my husband was installed as head of his Masonic lodge and to my surprise he gave a speech that included these two cans. All my life I've always said I wish for peace and harmony. So I just had to commemorate this acknowledgement from the powers that be by painting this :) It's pretty exciting to me as you might guess so I'm happy to share it with you!
Recently, my husband was installed as head of his Masonic lodge and to my surprise he gave a speech that included these two cans. All my life I've always said I wish for peace and harmony. So I just had to commemorate this acknowledgement from the powers that be by painting this :) It's pretty exciting to me as you might guess so I'm happy to share it with you!