I am thinking of entering a local pastel juried show so I thought I'd visit an old friend. Actually pastels are more like "old acquaintance" as I've never really gotten to know it as well as charcoals, oils and watercolors...in fact I've used acrylics more than pastels. But with all the pastels I have, I should really give the show a shot. Often times I wish I wasn't so happily involved with all my art mediums/media as it would REALLY make my life so much SIMPLER!

Last weekend, I've convinced Dear DH to enhance my FAVORITE SPOT. My FS was just but a space between 2 pine trees but the gentle breeze blows through that it's an instant high for me. All drugs would be useless if people were all as easy to please as I am lol! So he moved a swing which was never accessible to me right between those trees and he built me a natural rock planter area so I can garden and be able to reach the soil a lot easier. I pretty much hang out there daily since last Sunday :) Yesterday I sat in the swing until the fireflies were visible and the sun had pretty much set. Thanks sweet man!