Friday, January 31, 2014

An Active Art Studio!

"Frenly and Princess" 8x10 oil on canvas
 I've been steadily busy since my last post.  The holiday season meant finishing most of my 2013 commissions and giving the art studio construction a big push.  Sadly, December was also a time for sudden loss when my father-in-law passed away.  Mom came out for three weeks and dedicated her time helping get my studio organized.  

As a result of this unusually busy time, I will have lots of images to share but I've compressed them into collages and short film. 

The image above is fresh off my easel.  After I posted on my Facebook page last night, I knew I'd wake up wanting to tweak it.  It looked very monochromatic and Princess was not looking very golden.  I painted it for a little girl named Frenly from the Philippines.  Last year she drew my portrait and sent it via Facebook.  I told her I'd do a portrait of her too.  Here is my portrait
Frenly holding Erika's portrait
Now for a video of how I painted her :)

The studio is not completely done but I've been enjoying the comforts it offers.  I love that it's WELL LIT!  I love that it's warm in there despite the cold weather in the mid-west.  And I have an excuse to be messsssy it's because it's an art studio!!!  I can also just wheel over to whatever I need! etc. etc.  How blessed am I?  It didn't come easy and it wasn't cheap, but maybe it's like giving birth from what I hear - you don't remember the pain.  Hmm actually I do hahaha  But in time, it will all get buried under happier memories! I will always have happy memories of all the people who supported me in this and physically and monetarily helped.  In a nutshell, wonderful moral support! 

Here are some work I've done lately.  Basically some oil, some watercolors and even acrylics but all portraits!

The one portrait between the watercolors is a project I am doing for a documentary.  It's a portrait on a mussel shell!  But it's not quite ready; I have to paint it again on a bigger mussel shell!  This will probably be my next blog post!

Finally a picture from my studio flanked by my two loved ones husband Scott and Mom :)
Art By Erika Studio
Wishing all my readers a joyful, healthful and prosperous New Year!  Thanks so much for keeping me company!  Don't forget the images are clickable to get bigger version :)  Take care!


  1. Happy new year to you too Erika you covered a lot in your post and you've been busy. I really like this beautiful painting of Frenly and her dog. I can tell you are settling nicely in your new studio. Loulou

  2. Thank Loulou? Is this formerly spelled Lulu? Glad you like my new painting. Yes I am getting settled but I don't have a favorite spot yet. I have too many spots I love lol!

  3. Frenly and Princess are adorable and your studio is terrific. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog.

    1. Thanks Vicki I enjoy seeing you works especially WIPS!

  4. It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such information with us.


Thank you for taking the time to comment ~Erika